If I were to describe Trixie as a person, I'd say she's practical, fun, and efficient, sporty and pretty. She's petite, a little old school with her stick shift, bright, easily recognizable by friends, has some upgrades (sun roof, nice wheels), and she loves music. She's not fussy and expensive, but top-of-the-line as far as Matrixes go, and she's a special limited edition. She's into safety, but it's not all she's about- she is pretty fun too. She likes to go fast and sometimes she'll surprise you, but knows she's no sports car and she's ok with that.
There's been times where she's had a little too much junk in the trunk, but never stays that way for too long. Doesn't mind getting dirty, but looks great all cleaned up. I've gotten better at taking care of her and keeping up on her maintenance in recent years (it gets more important as she gets older). She's reliable and dependable, and always up for a road trip, or making room for a friendly dog. She's been through a lot out here in LA, gotten a little banged up but she actually looks great for her age.
Amusingly, the car I want is actually the same color as Trixie, is slightly sporty, reliable, limited edition, and best version of itself available- like my car now. It's not high maintenance or overly expensive. It's basically the same car, just a little better and more grown up.
I'll be getting there soon. Trixie's gotten me this far, and Trixie 2.0 will hopefully take me where I want to go.
What do you drive? :-)